Thursday, March 31, 2011


Now I lay me down to sleep
between this dance of dusk and dawn
The heavens rejoice as souls do speak
 of an angel that did not belong
She denounced her wings to be born on earth,
to endure the suffering of life;
She blessed this world then had to return, 
to her home in the evening sky.
I dreamt of her the night she left
and sought the face of God;
He simply smiled and wiped my tears, 
As he spoke these words out loud
"There will be questions that remain unanswered,
with little reasons why
If you should seek solace and understanding
just look toward the evening sky."

Written by Christie Mack  for Tania's funeral

Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the Training begin...

     I've said it before, and I'll say it again.. the best way to train for a 60 mile walk (or any distance walking event) is to just WALK!
     OK.. so now that I've said it again (and will keep saying so get used to it)... that is just what I did this weekend.  Yeah, it was supposed to snow (and it did a bit) but you know what... you never know what the weather is going to be like on the 3-Day so you have to be prepared for anything.  
     Saturday (3/26/11) started off great and I woke up in a fantastic mood.  Maybe it's because I got to sleep until 8:30 (yeah that's late for me even on the weekends) and felt totally rested and revived!  I decided that it was the perfect day to go for a walk so I got up, dressed and headed out.  Oh yeah, I was so right!  It was beautiful!  Perfect walking weather... a little chill in the air, bright sun & clear skies!  PERFECT!!  Wanna know what made it even better... my son walked with me!  Yup, even at 15 (and 1/2) he WANTED to go for a walk with me.  Just us!  It was great.  I don't think he realized how far we were going to walk at first, but once we got started and started talking... it was all good!  Check out some of the pictures from our walk... isn't it just beautiful!
     Sunday (3/27/11) started off great too!  Woke up to some snow on the ground (yeah.. .snow in the end of March!) and bright sun.  I got my early morning blessings (best way to start the day) and then got my day started.  Of course there was housework to do (isn't there always), but I was determined to get out and get walking... so that's just what I did.  Always in search of a new and exciting place to walk, today I decided to stay "close to home" and combine my walk with "errands".  So... my husband dropped me off at the start of my walk (near Cosca Regional Park), I started my "pedometer" program on the I-Phone, turned on the I-Pod (hooked into the speakers ... never walk with headphones in your ears!!) and got to walking!  My husband drove ahead and marked the walk route I was going to do (mileage checks) and send me text messages for landmarks and mileage checkpoints). was another beautiful walking day!  Crisp chill in the air (OK, actually it was a little on the cold side), bright sun (had my shades on) and bright skies!  Just like on Sat (but without my guy) I enjoyed the outdoors and fresh air.  Got some great pics of the signs of spring -- flowers and more -- and had some great "me" time.  I walked a total of 4 miles and felt fantastic!
     So... logged a total of 7.5 miles this weekend.  Not a bad way to start my training I think.  It felt good to get out there and get moving again.  The warmer it gets the more walking I get to do... and I am ready!
Let the TRAINING BEGIN......

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Happy Saturday...
I just finished my first training walk ... 3.5 miles and it felt GREAT!!
Beautiful way to start the day. I'm so happy the weather is changing and I'll be able to get out more and do more walking. Time to start mapping out some training walks to post to the 3-Day website.
Check back soon...

Friday, March 25, 2011

I Lost My Best Friend to Cancer

My dear friend, will you ever understand
All the love I had for you
You always gave so much compassion
To everyone you knew.

Your heart was full of kindness
Your soul was filled with peace
Your faith could not be shaken
Your light will never cease.

Your joy flowed like a fountain
So refreshing everyday
So clean, so pure, so simple
Like the rain that falls in May

Your smile was like the sunshine
As fresh as any flower
You had a heart as big as Texas
And yeah.. strong as any tower.

You praised GOD for each and every hour
For each and every day
You lived your life to its fullness
And always took the time to pray.

There were so many acts of kindness
You spread throughout the years
A hug was always waiting
For everyone you held dear.

You had such a love for basketball
And of course your MaryKay business too
Unending love for your family
And those special friendships too

A husband, son, daughter and identical twin
Really.. That's just naming a few
So many other people
Now miss you like I do.

Now I don't get your emails
On my screen each day
Through all those years of writing
Yeah... we always found a way.

You traveled through the valleys
Your eyes fixed on the sky
Like Job found in the Bible
You never questioned why.

GOD took you to His mansion
WOW... what rejoicing there must be
When HE took away your cancer
HE set your spirit free!

I Love & Miss you T!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's official... I am a Training Walk Leader for the Washington DC 3-Day!!! Just finished my training and signed my just a couple of things left and I can start planning and posting walks!!

"Thank you for stepping up to lead official training walks for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure"

Cold, Rain, Heat, Humidity, or a perfect weather day... Doesn't matter... It's time to walk!

Team Captain
Training  Walk Leader

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Strong and Content....

"Henceforth I Wimper No More,
Postpone No More,
Need Nothing...

Strong and Content
I Travel
The Open Road"

-Walt Whitman

And now we are 4...

Welcome to the newest member of TJs Angels... Elizabeth Meeker Heuvelman! Elizabeth registered today for the WDC 3-Day and is now an official member of our team. It's so much fun when you get to walk with friends.

I haven't met Elizabeth yet (bet you would have never know that huh?) but she is a friend of Kelly's and I just love Kelly to death. Wait.. you haven't met Kelly yet have you?

Sorry, Kelly Imhof is an "ANGEL" and will be walking in her 2nd 3-Day with me this year. Last year (2010) Kelly joined me for her first walk and (I think I can safely say) she was as much in love with the walk as I was. We met through (what else) our daughters. They did gymnastics together and over the years Kelly and I became friends. She is such a joy to be around.. even when she is "not happy with the world" she has the most pleasantness about her. We "tented" together last year and you know when you sleep in a 6x6 tent with someone outside in a park, you kinda get to know them pretty well. I mean there is all of about 2ft between you (if you are lucky) so... yeah you get "close"! :)

Well, let me tell you how happy I was when we got back from the walk and Kelly told me (I think it was within the 1st month) that she had already registered for the 2011 walk! BEFORE ME!!! WOW!!! So of course you know I went and registered the next day!

You will be seeing/reading a lot about Kelly over the coming months as we gear up for fundraising, planning and training walks.. and I know you will grow to love her as much as I do.

So... Kelly thanks for bringing Elizabeth along for the walk... can't wait to meet her!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Looking forward to 2012...

I know I haven't even done the 2011 walk yet, but yeah, I'm already thinking about registering and walking in 2012! Why? hmmmm.... why not? After my first experience with the 3-Day (back in 2008) I knew that I would be participating in this event... one way or another. Whether it was as a walker or as a crew member... I instantly knew that I needed to be a part of this event every year as long as I was able.

So I'm looking ahead to 2012, while still working on 2011. What happens in between.. I have no idea, but I bet it will be fabulous and life changing. Being part of this event does that to you (well it did it to me).

First an Ambassador... Now a Training Walk Leader!

When I was chosen to be a 3-Day for the Cure official Ambassador.. I was so excited!! I so love the 3-Day, what it does and what it stands for... and being chosen to be an Ambassador was very special to me! I don't know if they will ever need me to "do" anything.. but if they do... I'm there. You all know I talk about and wear my 3-Day gear with pride! I try and tell everyone that will listen to me about the 3-Day and what it means not only to me but to the community as a whole. 

Now.. I've registered to be an official 3-Day Training Walk Leader and I've been accepted! YEAH!!! So what does that mean you ask... (I know you are thinking it...) Well, as an "official" Training Walk Leader, I can/will create different training walks of different lenghts (from a short 3 mile to a nice long 15+mile) and post them to the official 3-Day training walk site. Walkers that are in the area can "sign-up" to join my walk and we will all "train" together. As the walk leader, I will be responsible for guiding and instructing the walkers on 3-Day walk "etiquette" and the "rules of the road". You would be surprised.. we don't just "get out there an walk" ... there are guidelines in place for our safety and as a Walk Leader, it will be my job to make sure the walkers know what they are and train properly. 

So to be an official walk leader, I just have to attend my official meeting to make get all of my information and instructions and to be sure that I am clear on all that I am responsible for as a walk leader. 

The weather is getting warmer and I am so ready to get outside I can taste it! I'm looking forward to now not only get to train with Kelly (one of my teammates), but to meet and walk/train with others in the DC/MD/VA area! How cool is that? PRETTY COOL I THINK!!

So... stay tuned.. there will be lots of "training walk" post coming! If you are on Facebook... please be sure to check out my page ( for constant updates and information about the walk.  Of course I'll be posting training walk information here on my blog too!

If you haven't already donated and would like to support my walk this year.. you can click on the link at the bottom of this message.

Thank you for your continued support of my journey. I know that one day with all of this walking.. we will find a cure.. I just believe!

Now... Let's get walking!!!!!

I've been picked....

along with a group of be an official Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure AMBASSADOR! I am so happy and proud!
Wait..So.. what does that mean you ask? Well...
"As an Ambassador, you've committed to help raise awareness of the 3-Day for the Cure."
And raise awareness I will... with pride!

I Registered... now it's countdown time...

When you register almost 1 year before the walk, it seems like such a long time, but really.. when you think about it... it's just around the corner. 

  • November 2010 - REGISTRATION!!!  I went to the 3-Day website ( and registered for the 2011 Washington, DC 3-Day!
  • December 2010 - The whole month is dedicated to Christmas, shopping, giving, sharing, spending time with loved ones and remembering those that are no longer here.
  • January 2011 - ONLY 8 MONTHS TO GO....240 DAYS! 
  • February 2011 - Valentines day. Wow can you believe the kids have been in school for 6 months already?
  • March/April 2011 -- SPRING BREAK! Yup you heard me SPRING BREAK!! Dang, weren't we just doing Christmas shopping?
  • May 2011 --- it's getting warm outside and time to move the training to the streets! Let's get outside and get walking... we've only go 5 months left!
  • June 2011 --- END OF SCHOOL AND START OF SUMMER BREAK! (reminder... summer vacation is only 8 weeks long! -- sorry)
  • July/August 2011 -- Enjoy the summer break while you can.
  • End of August/September 2010 -- BACK TO SCHOOL! Oh yeah and only about 45 days until the walk!
  • September 2011 --- it's almost time....
  • September 16, 2011 - 7 days; 1 week; 168 hours until the start of the walk!

September 23, 24, 25 --- 
3 days
60 miles
100's of banannas
1000's of smiles
10,000's hot sweaty sore feet
1,000,000's of dollars raised 
1 cause & 1 cure = PRICELESS!!
Are you ready?