Thursday, October 6, 2011

COMING SOON... "It's Only 60 Miles... "

I sat down in front of my computer one day, having just finished working on a gymnastics book for my daughter and her best friend (Gymnast Don't Break) and it hit me... I want to do a 3-Day book!

This year I did my third Komen 3-Day and I wanted to do something that would commemorate my journey and experience.  I had such a great and easy time working on the book previous books that I had done.. I thought that maybe I should try one for the 3-Day and this time -- add words!  I'm not the best writer in the world (but you kinda already figured that out right?) but I can put a story together with photos, so my new book (coming real soon) will be a combination of both.  I'm going to take a look inside me and pull out (as best I can) my thoughts, feelings, and memories of three very special women -- the reasons why I walk.  This is most definitely a labor of love, but it is also totally rewarding. I am putting on the finishing touches and hope to have it done by the end of the month.  So stay tuned and check back here often for the release date!

All proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure through my participation in the 2012 3-Day for the Cure walk -- Washington, DC!

Stay tuned!

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