Friday, April 1, 2011

Can I be a Volunteer?

     Sometimes I do things and don't think about them until after I do them.  (Yes, I really did say that out loud and admitted to it!)  Well, I did it again, but this time, there are no regrets, second thoughts, or wondering.  This time.. this was right!
     I woke up one morning, a few weeks ago, and there was something heavy on my heart.  I don't know if I can explain it, but it was something that had been in my head and heart for a long time (a really really long time).  You know that feeling that is inside of you that you just can't get rid of.  You try to ignore it, reason through it, rationalize it.. but it doesn't go anywhere.  Yeah, that's what this was.  I had this feeling in my heart that I needed to do more. I needed to try to make a difference.  I needed to VOLUNTEER.
    OK.. so it's no secret that I am passionate about Breast Cancer and the need to educate, inform, and hopefully one day find a cure!  Ummmm... that's what this blog is all about right?  Well, I've done things over the years (you may have even gotten an email or 2 from me).. but on this particular morning I had the feeling that I needed to do more!
     So on this particular day, I made a decision.  A decision that I think in the long run will change me and my life.  I went online to the Susan G. Komen website and looked for an affiliate office in Maryland.  I knew there was one, but I wasn't sure if there was one close to me.  You know you do it too.. you want to "volunteer" for something, but it needs to be "convenient" to your house or work. Heaven forbid you have to "travel" to volunteer right?  :)  Anyway... so I went online and searched the Komen website for the "closest" affiliate to me.  Well, at first I thought it would be in DC.  OK.. not to far right?  I mean I work in the city and could get there right after work.  Perfect!  Uuuuuhhhhmmmm... NO!  The affiliate for Maryland is in Towson, MD.  OK... so if you are not from the area you may not know where that is... near Baltimore!  Yup, it's about 1hour away from me (on a good day with no traffic!)  WOW... hmmmm OK.. so this means if I am going to volunteer, I would be driving on average 2 hours each time (to get there and back).  Did I really want to do this?  I mean, I've been "talking" about volunteering for a while, but never have... so if I change my mind now .. who will know?  I WOULD!
    So.. I clicked on the link for the Komen Maryland affiliate office, went to the "Volunteer Center" and clicked on "Volunteer Application".  I printed it, looked at it, put it down, picked it up, put it down again, and then picked up my pen and started writing!  DONE!  I made a copy (just in case) and took it home.  OK.. so now I just had to mail it (if you know me.. I am not very good at putting things in the mail). So, if I was really going to do this.. I had to give it to the one person that I knew would make sure it would get mailed.. my husband!  DONE!
    And the waiting begins.  Will they read my "application" and feel that I am "qualified" to be a Komen Volunteer?  I mean, yeah, I've done the walks and races, but is that enough?  What were they looking for?  And I wait.  Are they going to send me a message?  Will I get a call?  And I wait.  And then it happens... I GOT AN EMAIL!!  YEAH!!!!  They want me, they want me!!  OK.. so next steps.. reply to the message, schedule the phone call... and get this process started!
    Well, yesterday (Thur 3/31) I had my "phone interview" with Komen Maryland.  It was great!  She was so supportive and encouraging.. and "WANTED" to hear my story.  I think she was just as excited as I was to talk about being a volunteer.  The call went great, and now I'm getting ready to take the official "training workshop" in May.  After that ... I will be an official Komen Maryland Volunteer!
   So.. that feeling that I had in my heart.. that feeling of needing to do something... yeah it's still there. but now it's a little different feeling.  Now it's a feeling of.. .DOING!  Yup,  I've decided to step up my game and put my body where my mouth was... I'm going all in... I am making a commitment to do all I can do to help spread the word, educate, inform, and support ....


Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure Ambassador & Training Walk Leader 
Komen Maryland Volunteer



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