Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fundraising Challenge... April 20 - May 4!

Yesterday I received an email from the lovely folks from Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure. They are starting a fundraising runs for two weeks, till May 4th.
     The first 50 people to raise $585.00 will receive a pink ribbon iPod touch, specially made for 3 Day Walkers. The $585.00 is in addition to money already raised up until this point. The reason they chose $585.00, is because the average 3 Day Walker will walk 585 miles between training and the actual event! Isn't that AMAZING??? So far I am up to about $120 today.
     If you have been thinking about supporting me in the 3 DAY, this would be a great time to donate. Click HERE to check out my donation page. And if you need a little inspiration - or wonder why we this video...and THANK YOU!!!! This will be my 3rd Walk in 4 years. You are making a difference!!!

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