Monday, March 28, 2011

Let the Training begin...

     I've said it before, and I'll say it again.. the best way to train for a 60 mile walk (or any distance walking event) is to just WALK!
     OK.. so now that I've said it again (and will keep saying so get used to it)... that is just what I did this weekend.  Yeah, it was supposed to snow (and it did a bit) but you know what... you never know what the weather is going to be like on the 3-Day so you have to be prepared for anything.  
     Saturday (3/26/11) started off great and I woke up in a fantastic mood.  Maybe it's because I got to sleep until 8:30 (yeah that's late for me even on the weekends) and felt totally rested and revived!  I decided that it was the perfect day to go for a walk so I got up, dressed and headed out.  Oh yeah, I was so right!  It was beautiful!  Perfect walking weather... a little chill in the air, bright sun & clear skies!  PERFECT!!  Wanna know what made it even better... my son walked with me!  Yup, even at 15 (and 1/2) he WANTED to go for a walk with me.  Just us!  It was great.  I don't think he realized how far we were going to walk at first, but once we got started and started talking... it was all good!  Check out some of the pictures from our walk... isn't it just beautiful!
     Sunday (3/27/11) started off great too!  Woke up to some snow on the ground (yeah.. .snow in the end of March!) and bright sun.  I got my early morning blessings (best way to start the day) and then got my day started.  Of course there was housework to do (isn't there always), but I was determined to get out and get walking... so that's just what I did.  Always in search of a new and exciting place to walk, today I decided to stay "close to home" and combine my walk with "errands".  So... my husband dropped me off at the start of my walk (near Cosca Regional Park), I started my "pedometer" program on the I-Phone, turned on the I-Pod (hooked into the speakers ... never walk with headphones in your ears!!) and got to walking!  My husband drove ahead and marked the walk route I was going to do (mileage checks) and send me text messages for landmarks and mileage checkpoints). was another beautiful walking day!  Crisp chill in the air (OK, actually it was a little on the cold side), bright sun (had my shades on) and bright skies!  Just like on Sat (but without my guy) I enjoyed the outdoors and fresh air.  Got some great pics of the signs of spring -- flowers and more -- and had some great "me" time.  I walked a total of 4 miles and felt fantastic!
     So... logged a total of 7.5 miles this weekend.  Not a bad way to start my training I think.  It felt good to get out there and get moving again.  The warmer it gets the more walking I get to do... and I am ready!
Let the TRAINING BEGIN......

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