Monday, March 21, 2011

I Registered... now it's countdown time...

When you register almost 1 year before the walk, it seems like such a long time, but really.. when you think about it... it's just around the corner. 

  • November 2010 - REGISTRATION!!!  I went to the 3-Day website ( and registered for the 2011 Washington, DC 3-Day!
  • December 2010 - The whole month is dedicated to Christmas, shopping, giving, sharing, spending time with loved ones and remembering those that are no longer here.
  • January 2011 - ONLY 8 MONTHS TO GO....240 DAYS! 
  • February 2011 - Valentines day. Wow can you believe the kids have been in school for 6 months already?
  • March/April 2011 -- SPRING BREAK! Yup you heard me SPRING BREAK!! Dang, weren't we just doing Christmas shopping?
  • May 2011 --- it's getting warm outside and time to move the training to the streets! Let's get outside and get walking... we've only go 5 months left!
  • June 2011 --- END OF SCHOOL AND START OF SUMMER BREAK! (reminder... summer vacation is only 8 weeks long! -- sorry)
  • July/August 2011 -- Enjoy the summer break while you can.
  • End of August/September 2010 -- BACK TO SCHOOL! Oh yeah and only about 45 days until the walk!
  • September 2011 --- it's almost time....
  • September 16, 2011 - 7 days; 1 week; 168 hours until the start of the walk!

September 23, 24, 25 --- 
3 days
60 miles
100's of banannas
1000's of smiles
10,000's hot sweaty sore feet
1,000,000's of dollars raised 
1 cause & 1 cure = PRICELESS!!
Are you ready?

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