Meet a Training Walk Leader
Deborah from Clinton, MD
I made the decision to walk in my first 3-Day (Washington, D.C. - 2008) after losing my best friend (June 2007) and aunt (Aug 2007). I knew my grandmother had died from breast cancer when I was younger and I had participated in many Race for the Cure® events in her memory, but when I lost Tania and Aunt LaJuan so close together something inside of me snapped and I knew I needed/wanted to do something more.
I decided to become a training walk leader this year because I wanted to share my 3-Day experience with others and help to motivate and educate as many as possible. I walk with many friends and family members and have started a small walking group with some of the moms at my daughter's gymnastics center. I thought, "Why not take it a step further and help other 3-Day walkers train, too?"
Fundraising Tip: Ask, ask, and ask again! You will find that more people want to/will donate, but they just want to be asked. Ask anyone and everyone. Never make an assumption about what a person can or can't do. The one that you think can't may be the one who can!
Training Tip: Start early and don't stop. Plan walking into everything you do. Park further away at the mall or restaurant or train station. Get up from your desk and go for a 30-minute walk at lunch. Walk to the store if possible. Just walk. Purchase your walking shoes early and wear them while training. Don't forget to buy more than one pair (just in case), and break them BOTH in.
Training Walk: Saturday, August 13, 8.95 miles at White Plains Golf Course